Have you ever desired How to setup WooCommerce Cart and Checkout on same page without an extra plugin? If yes, then read this blog carefully! Here, we are going to illustrate you in detail.
So what is WooCommerce?
This widely popular e-commerce platform is home to nearly 400,000 sites.
WooComerce setup lets you create an e-commerce business (store), manage inventory, accept payments, and much more. It comes with almost all the functionalities that you require to open an online store. And through its extension system, it also posses many advanced capabilities. It helps you sell products or services online from your WordPress site at a very affordable and accessible manner.
Most shopping cart solutions are the default behavior to release the checkout (such as WooCommerce) before the customer continues to checkout. However, some store owners may prefer to have both on the same page.
Although this special setup setup WooCommerce Cart and Checkout offers some benefits, which we will review later. However, keep in mind that, there are some drawbacks, which are actually taken from the fact. Thus, we are doing a customization, that is not the default WooCommerce setup. And also we need to keep an eye on the future updates of the plugin.
It is important to remember that some plugins are at this addresses (like WooCommerce one page checkout). In this post, we will explain the detailed process for your E-commerce business.
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Why do you want to setup WooCommerce Cart and Checkout on the same page?
Before starting, we consider that why anyone would want to set this specific setup.
The most obvious benefit is to save the 1 extra click and loading page to the customer, is the cart page. Although it seems that small benefits, this extra simplicity can be in better revenue during the long term. Consequently, it is a well-known fact that the easy and fast checkout process and the better conversion rate can be expected.
Setup WooCommerce Cart and Checkout by WoocCommerce one page checkout allows you to automatically generate the right experience for every buyer by giving quick checkouts. Each visitor can be treated as a unique customer by sellers and will have to leave the fewer cart. These WooCommerce sites allows one page checkout same page.
Remember that some people can argue that having a small step (by clicking on the checkout button) can increase the inertia and therefore increases the probability of completing the checkout process.
We suggest that you split the advantages of setup WooCommerce Cart and Checkout settings on the same page, when in doubt.
The process
The first step is to put both WooCommerce carts and checkout Shortcode on the same page. You will do this on the existing checkout page, the final result will look like this:
Your cart is currently empty.
Technically, it’s all there, now you have to setup WooCommerce Cart and Checkout on the same page also known as WooCommerce cart page. However, to make this evidence fool, there are some additional measures and ideas to keep in mind.
Remove the “Proceed to the checkout” button with the cart and other unnecessary information
Now we have a WooCommerce Cart and Checkout on the same page, there are some cart-specific elements that are not necessary anymore, like proceed to the checkout button, cart totals, etc. However, a single way of removing those is to override the normal WooCommerce template by inserting the code into functions.php or modifying the template files.
However, I think it is easy to hide them with CSS and prevent breaking some functionality. Here’s the code that I use to hide those elements on my own site. You can add this code at the top of your checkout page (make sure you use plain text view that gives you to the insert HTML element).
<style media=”screen” type=”text/css”> .cart_totals { display: none!important; } .checkout-button { display: none!important; } .wc-forward { display: none!important; } </style> |
Therefore, depending on the theme you use, the names of these CSS classes may various name, or you may need other rules to hide these elements.
Adding products to cart from URL
If you are using URLs to redirect the user to checkout by passing cart page (example: http://yoursite.com/checkout/?add-to-cart=[product-id]) then you required to remove the argument?add-to-cart=[product-id] from the URL through the time when the user lands on the checkout page. And/or else updating the cart would not work properly on this page.
This happens because the argument is placed in the URL when the user lands on the checkout. It will refresh the page after modifying the car, and re-add the product because it was included in the URL as an argument.
The most reliable way to solve this problem is to send the user to a page that redirects to checkout. For example, if we call this page “redirect”, the real URL to add the product to cart would be http://yoursite.com/redirect/?add-to-cart=[product-id], which will be redirected immediately to http://yoursite.com/checkout/ without any additional arguments on the URL and user is free to modify cart content.
According to my experience, the best way to redirect this is by using a Nifty plugin called Page links. It is very easy to do, create a new page and in the new “Page links to” box (scroll to bottom), you can select “a custom URL” and then http://yoursite.com/checkout/.
Using “WooCommerce Cart Notices” plugin
If you are using this specific plugin, then you will see that the cart notices are displayed twice on the page. Thus, the reason for this is that by default the plugin outputs these notices at the top of the cart and at the top of the checkout page.
Unfortunately, we have not found any way to avoid this situation, which hides a cart notices with CSS. The only way we know to remove the output of the notice at the top of the checkout page is to modify one line in the plugin code.
To accomplish this, you will need to open the “WooCommerce-cart-notices.php” file with the text editor, this file is contained in the plugin folder WooCommerce-cart-notices. Find and remove this line.
add_action( ‘woocommerce_before_checkout_form’, array( $this, ‘add_cart_notice’ ) ); |
And you all are ready. After updating the plugin, do not forget to remove that line of code again.
Final words
This is a unique setup that we used to Setup WooCommerce Cart and Checkout on the same page for my specific store. From to setup WooCommerce Cart and Checkout, the one page checkout WooCommerce provides personalized offers to increase order volume, this plugin detects hesitating shoppers automatically, this owns a powerful admin panel, provides multi-language support and so the loyal customers are rewarded with discount coupons and also providing real-time coupons.
The Please note that you may need to do some additional customization on your store theme or plugins.
We hope this post helped you! If you are facing any problem, use the comment box.
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